Sunday, November 23, 2008

Entourage: "Return to Queens Blvd" Episode Review

It's good news, bad news for Vince as the guys go back home to Queens to chill out. Martin Scorsese cameos in the 5th season finale!

So we've reached the end of the great 5th season of Entourage. Bad news is that the 6th season is premiering the summer of 2009. Boy, this season went by awfully quick. Oh wait, that was because there were only 12 episodes. Let's hope there are more than that next season. But I digress.

Let's take a few minutes and bask in the awesomeness that was the 5th season. All right, let's go!

In a season that was all about the fallout of "Medellin" we saw the fall of Vincent Chase and the rise of the rest of the entourage. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse for Vince, it does. Awhile back I mentioned that Vince skipped over B-List status and went right to C-List and now he can't even get auditions since he has taken the blame for the collapse of "Smokejumpers." This is according to US Weekly (fictionally speaking of course.)

But before I get into my recap and review I want to point out that Entourage has ALWAYS been about friendship and loyalty. No matter what, the guys are always there to support Vince, especially in the tough times. We've seen Vince lash out at E many times but tonight after he hit rock bottom Vince really showed his true colors as an emotionally immature and disloyal friend . . .

-- Janaki Cedanna

Read Full Review at Entourage Fodder

Monday, November 17, 2008

Entourage: "Play'n with Fire" Episode Review

In what could be the best episode ever in the history of the show, Vince gets fired and Turtle gets some lovin! NEWSFLASH as Turtle's real name is FINALLY revealed.

Wow. I mean wow, what an amazing episode. Simply put, I believe this is the best episode in the history of the show, hand's down.

The 2nd to the last episode (and bar far the longest) of the incredible 5th season of Entourage had many twists and turns and so many fireworks I almost couldn't believe what was happening before my eyes. My brain nearly exploded with all that happened . . .

-- Janaki Cedanna

Check Out My Full Review at Entourage Fodder!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Entourage: "Seth Green Day" Episode Review

Vince gets torn down by his director, Ari reverts to old tactics to get his way and Eric faces his old nemesis. Let the humiliation begin!

It's always been this way. As Vince's career goes so does the fortunes of the Entourage. As this season nears a close with only two episodes left, we see what happens when success disappears.

Vince, Eric, Drama, Turtle and Ari all get bullied in a cruel and masochistic way. All through this week's episode they are humiliated at every turn. It's almost too tough to take. Almost. I'm looking for these guys to actually learn some tough lessons and not to take any modicum of success for granted. Will it happen? Nope.

-- Janaki Cedanna

Read Full Review at Entourage Fodder

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why Can't Tina Fey be the VP?

The day before the most important Presidential election since 1960 is here and I want to share my political thoughts. Tina Fey has become even more famous for impersonating Sarah Palin by often repeating verbatim the ignorant responses the real Palin has given. What a sad state of affairs.

This is an extremely scary time in this country after the last 8 years of disaster. I never thought that a black man would ever be President, in fact I always used to say that I thought that this country would vote a woman in before they ever voted for a black man. I suppose this speaks volumes about my own racism but given the events that have unfolded since 2000 and so far this year there is no way I could EVER vote for John McCain or the Republican party.

The campaign run by the Senator from the state I live in has been an absolute disgrace. And what gets me is that given all his fuck ups, lies, corruption and negativity he is only losing by six points. Six fucking points! If Barack Obama had a caucasian name name like, say John Edwards and was white he would be ahead by 30 points in the polls. Hands down. But this post isn't so much about Barack Obama's competence or John McCain's ineptitude as it is about McCain's pick of Sarah Palin as his VP. I know much already has been said about the former "Beauty Queen" but I need to write this for my own sanity.

What the hell is wrong with the American people? Somehow people think the Presidential election is like "American Idol" and some stupid popularity contest. I've spoken to many women that actually have the nerve to say they "like her" and think that she would make a great Vice-President or worse yet, a President. WTF?

I like many other Americans thought that picking Palin was an insult to all women of this country. Did the Republicans ACTUALLY think that they could throw anyone up there with tits and they would automatically capture the Hillary Clinton supporters? Sadly, there is some of that. I've also heard her referred to as a feminist. My God, that is such an insult. She is the farthest away from any type of feminist. She does not support abortion AT ALL, her husband is a secessionist (meaning he thinks that Alaska should break away from the US) and she is a Jesus freak. She has said and firmly believes that the book of Revelations will come true in her lifetime. That is extremely scary.

Many scandals have surfaced since she was picked without any type of background checks or vetting. She has shown to be an extremely corrupt and dangerously ambitious politician that never answers questions, shows no intelligence whatsoever and talks in an extremely irritating way. Everyone saw how she froze like a moose in the headlights in the Katie Couric interview, right? Then there is the matter of "Troopergate" when she had someone fired for NOT firing her ex-brother-in-law. More info has surfaced that showed her going back and amending trip logs (once she was selected) to justify flying her kids all over the country at taxpayer expense, steering certain companies to the lucrative pipeline contract that benefits her friends, the GOP spending $150k on clothes for her during the campaign, paying her makeup artist more than McCain's national security advisor and forcing her 16-year-old daughter to marry the redneck that knocked her up. Am I forgetting anything?

Add to that her rallies are full of hate. She accuses Obama of "palling around with terrorists" and doesn't say anything in response when people shout out, "kill him" or "terrorist", and that's more than offensive, it's sickening. No one seems to call her out on this and I find that extremely disturbing. The McCain campaign smacks of desperation but I would think that anyone with half a brain cell can see through this bullshit. How dare they claim Obama is an elitist when he was raised by a single mother, literally rose above poverty to get good grades and put himself through Harvard by way of loans and scholarships and owns one house and one car. All the while McCain has 9 houses and 13 cars and has said that the "middle class" makes less than 2.5 MILLION a year. They are both so out of touch it's frightening. Wake up America!!

Recently, some Republicans have accused her of going "rogue" and breaking away from McCain's already incoherent policies. Are they better? Nope, they are much worse. She wants to be the face of the Republican party for years to come and is positioning herself in such a way that she won't look bad. But if she's the future than we should all be very scared.

I haven't even mentioned her extreme lack of qualifications yet. Since when did being a mother of five children make you qualified to be President? Since when did being a mayor of a town of 8000 or a new Governor of the most notoriously corrupt state in America make you qualified for anything? In her home town of Wasilla, Alaska there are 45 meth labs, that's in a town of 8000, what the fuck! The very thought that this woman could EVER become President is extremely frightening and I wonder why the people of this country don't rise up in major protest. She is scarier than Cheney by far. I don't think it's so far from the truth to say that some men like her because they want to have sex with her. Are we that shallow? She is so ignorant, she thinks the VP is in charge of the Senate, has no idea what a VP actually does, doesn't know what the 1st Amendment is or even what Bush's policies are. She's a moron, plain and simple.

But perhaps the worst thing to come out of the McCain campaign are those damn speeches all around the country when they BOTH say that the REAL Americans are in small towns. I am extremely offended that they would even imply, let alone say that there are certain sections of the country that are more "American" than others. FUCK THEM. I was born and raised in San Francisco does that mean I'm not an American? How dare they!! We are ALL Americans. If you want to play that game than I firmly believe that people from cities are more capable of making rational and educated decisions than those simple "farm folk" in small towns. The Republicans just like them because they can be easily influenced like sheep. So there.

I am also exasperated by the fact that Republicans play extremely dirty with all their "fingerpointing", name-calling, sarcasm and out-right lies but when the Democrats defend themselves they are accused of those very things. Hell, the Republican party invented those dirty tactics and they fake outrage over everything. They seem to forget that they have been in power for 8 years and look what has happened. The country is almost bankrupt, we are still fighting 2 wars, Wall Street has collapsed and there is no hope in sight. They accuse Obama of being a socialist and try to strike fear into the country when the real scary thought is that they might actually win this election. Are people that fucking stupid? Yes they are. I'm worried about this election and the direction this country is heading. Does that make me un-American or unpatriotic? The GOP thinks that any dissenting opinion or questioning is un-American and unpatriotic and that makes me sick. I love this country but I want it to be better. I want change, I want to travel around the world again and be thankful to be an American. I want us to be respected and happy but more than that I want the American people to care enough to do something about it. This country has been hi-jacked by the religious right and the over-zealotry of the fundamentalists that tell us we only have "family values" if we're Christian.

Nobody seems to have a problem with "fingerpointing" at a criminal trial. I don't see the defense saying "What matters is that we all work together to find a solution". And if a captain takes his ship into a storm by incompetence and/or malfeasance, we expect his fault to be properly assessed. We also want to find out how we got into the storm in the first place, so that we don't do it again. The same goes for our leaders: it is appropriate to look at the situation and question how we got there. If it was because of specific policies and ideological beliefs, then it behooves us to pass judgment on the policies and on the people to advocated them. In criminal law, "fingerpointing" is better referred to as "charging with". And we tend not to be particularly upset when prosecutors do it. It's our right to question and demand a certain level of intelligence for the most important job in the world, is it not?

I don't care about "Joe-six-pack" or "Joe the plumber" or "hockey moms" or any of those other stupidly coined names that are first and foremost fictional characters. That's not me. What about "Jack the professional artist" or just simply me, the single professional filmmaker who struggles everyday to make a better life for himself?

This is why I cast my vote for Barack Obama and I sincerely hope that he gets elected and turns this country around. We have real problems and he's the person who can bring us the change we so desperately need. The people of this country are like children who don't have any idea what's good for them but need a strong and steady hand to teach them instead of someone who runs everything from their "gut." We are so narcissistic in this country to always want someone to be President who's like us. I don't want ANY of our leaders to be like me. I want them to be tolerant, pragmatic, honest and above all intelligent. Is that too much to ask for??

Since we are so fascinated with celebrity in this country why can't Tina Fey be the VP pick instead?

-- Janaki Cedanna

Post Election Addendum:
So, my worries are over. Obama won the Presidency. YAY! McCain might have one his home state (by only a measly 8 points) but in MY election center I'm proud to say he won by a 3-1 margin. Gotta love Mesa. Well, not really. 

As I scan the headlines this past week there is virtually no mention of McCain but there is at least one story about Palin everyday. Come on people let her fade into the collective memory as a novelty item, will ya?

One of the scariest things was that in her first TV interview since her and the old man's landslide defeat was a comment she made about running for Senator. She said and I quote: "I would serve in the Senate if God gave me the opportunity." Do Americans fully realize how close this psycho came to being "a heart-beat away" from the Presidency? I mean is this really the kind of mentally unbalanced person we want running the country? She is someone who has actually said on many occasions that she firmly believes that the Book of Revelations will come true in her lifetime. Wow, I don't even know how to respond to this. Why, oh why do people INSIST on bringing up their stupid made up fairy tales they call religion to EVERY single discussion? I blame Jimmy Carter for this. He's the first President to actually tout his religion to the entire country and look at where we are now. 

When faced with hard decisions or worse, a national disaster our leaders actually say like clockwork, "Let's pray" for them. How about using your fucking brain? While I agree it's important to have faith, misplaced or blind faith is much more dangerous than not having any at all. I'd rather have someone who actually thinks for themselves than someone who waits for some gaseous cloud to give them a "sign" on what they should do. It's pathetic. Just think we could have had another couple of Jesus freaks running this country into the ground for another four years and that scares me more than the Book of Revelations ever could.

Entourage: "Pie" Episode Review

Vince has been relegated to "C-List" status as Jason Patric steals all his lines while Ari meets up with a ghost from his past.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Not too long ago Vince was an A-List star who could no wrong and now it all comes down to a piece of pie.

The 9th episode this season of Entourage was split right down the middle into two distinct storylines. In one, we finally get to see Vince act again but this time we see him working his way up and the other shows Ari confronting his past. The constant of these two stories is that decisions made today will have a profound impact on the future, not just in the character development but in the direction of the show itself. Fans might not like this episode or dismiss it as filler because there isn't much humor and there were absolutely zero hot girls, but I think this may be the most pivotal episode all year . . .

-- Janaki Cedanna

Read Full Review at Entourage Fodder!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Is Jamie-Lynn Sigler Dating an "Entourage" Star?

Seems that truth is really stranger than fiction as Jamie-Lynn is reportedly dating "Entourage" star Jerry Ferrara, AKA Turtle.

One night after her hilarious self-parody of herself, Life & Style Magazine reports that Jamie-Lynn Sigler is actually dating Jerry Ferrara for real. Finally some love for our boy Turtle!

Read Full Story Here!

-- Janaki Cedanna

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Entourage: "First Class Jerk" Episode Review

Will Ari take the Studio Chief job? Did Turtle get lucky with Jamie-Lynn Sigler? Is Drama still a jerk? Many questions will get answered!

As I predicted, this weeks episode of Entourage was all about Ari Gold but with some Turtle thrown in. Will the writers go for broke and have Ari take the studio head job or will they wuss out and return to the status quo?

Having asked that, I think this episode is very good in it's story and execution and proves yet again that the show is continually evolving while staying true to it's roots. And did I mention it was pretty damn funny? In my mind this season has been one of the best yet but somehow I knew how the Ari situation would turn out. What I didn't think was that it was so easy for anyone to get a job as a head of a major studio . . .

-- Janaki Cedanna

Read Full Review!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Entourage: "Gotta Look Up To Get Down" Episode Review

Vince falls for a super model while Ari gets offered his dream job. This show is about to turn the corner!

There's been lots of rumbling on the internet saying that this season of Entourage is subpar and that the shows best days are over. I couldn't disagree more. I'm gonna go on the record and say this might be the best season yet.

After a few "male bonding" episodes the hot women are back in a big way. This episode reminded me of the first season except there were twists that I'm ashamed to admit I didn't see coming . . .

-- Janaki Cedanna

Read Full Review!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Entourage: "ReDOMption" Episode Review

Old friend from the past Dom calls Vince for some serious help while Turtle becomes Drama's PA. Ari plays the golf game of his life for Vince's future.

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Maxim Magazine Loves "Entourage"

Seems like Maxim loves the world of Entourage. Who doesn't?

-- Janaki Cedanna

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HBO Renews "Entourage" for a Sixth Season

In a hardly surprising move, HBO gives it flagship show a strong vote of confidence.

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Entourage: Tree Trippers Review

Vince and the gang take a drug induced journey to Joshua Tree to figure out his next career move while a freaked out Ari calls Lloyd for support.

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Entourage: "Fire Sale" Review

No one will give Vince a job while Eric gets caught in a bidding war over a script and Drama guest stars on "The View."

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Entourage: "The All Out Fall Out" Review

Vince is broke, Drama has a broken heart and Ari goes to war in this action packed episode!

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jeremy Piven Wins Emmy for "Entourage"

Jeremy Piven wins the Emmy three years in a row. Is there anything Ari Gold can't do?

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Entourage: "Unlike A Virgin" Review

Vince tries to revive his fledgling career prompting Ari to be brutally honest with him while Drama tries to make his long distance relationship work. Vince realizes he's hit rock bottom when an ex-girlfriend "pawns" him off to a friend.

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Entourage's Kevin Connolly Does Playboy's "20 Questions"

Hear the star discuss his famous friends on the show and off, dating Nicky Hilton and why he thinks Entourage is successful.

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Friday, September 12, 2008

The Hollywood Hotspots of "Entourage"

What's Vince's favorite cafe? Where does Drama spend his time? Where does Ari have his power lunches? Get the scoop on the REAL locations of Entourage.

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Enter the "Entourage Air" Sweepstakes!

Virgin America Airlines and HBO team up to give you a small glimpse into the VIP lives of the boys from Entourage. Find out how you can win.

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Top 10 "Entourage" Hotties!

Who do you think is the #1 hottest girl to ever appear on Entourage? Is it Anna Faris or Mandy Moore?

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Entourage: Fantasy Island

Vince hides out in Mexico after Medellin bombed at Cannes while E and Ari try to get him back to work. The boys from Queens are back, better than ever!

-- Janaki Cedanna

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"Entourage" Season 5 Premieres Tonight

Will Vince rise again? Find out tonight when Season 5 returns on HBO.

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Virgin Airlines Offers 'Entourage' Flights

If you think you're ready to party like the guys of "Entourage", then Virgin America Airlines is the place for you!

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Stars Align for Entourage

All aboard the cameo express as Entourage is gearing up for the 5th season!

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Diablo Cody Loves Me!

Well not really . . . Let me go on the record as saying that "The Diablo" kicks major ass and I'm in total love with her. Not only does she write the coolest shit but she is the smartest person I've NEVER met.

Some time ago I joined a very cool online service called Twitter that allows you to post realtime snippets of useless info online. You can text from your phone or post online a maximum of 140 characters. What this really does is to force you to condense down your thoughts to just the basest of rants. Do you have the need to let everyone know what you're up to at an exact moment in time? Twitter it. You feel like you have to let loose a huge toilet monster? Twitter it.

So what does this have to do with Ms. Cody? Well, Diablo also happens to be on Twitter and she texts stuff all the time and all throughout the day. It's a fascinating insight into the mind and soul of a darkly funny and easygoing woman of talent. It's like having the way too cool friend I never had and always aspired to be. That and the fact that no matter how crappy and mundane my day is I will suddenly get a text message from her that says the most randomly beautiful things.

Some recent Diabloisms include: "How much time must pass since one's last fuck before it's appropriate to say "I really need to get laid?", "Had a few Tecates and smoked a Capri. I am all about the Blanche Devereaux cigarettes these days.", "Overslept. No shower. Had to make do with crackhead pigtails and a gentlemen's wash.", "This American Apparel Deep V-Neck makes me look like a douchebag. A male douchebag.", "I am going to regret the pizza I just ate in the morning, when my entire body feels like a fat sack of pepperoni-scented acid magma."

I know she doesn't read all the people that are following her on Twitter (how can she?), but somehow I felt compelled to answer the questions she posed and commented on her Diabloisms. But imagine how I felt when I got the following text: "Thank you for sticking up for me. It never goes unnoticed. I am always reading, always watching." WOW, I thought that was coolest thing and it came at the absolute perfect time. Was she speaking directly to me or to her legion of fans? It doesn't really matter as I like to think she was thanking me personally. I can dream can't I?

Now, I thought I loved her before but now I'm sure I do. I just want to hang out with her and see that razor sharp wit coming out from those bright red lips. Really I do. And to think I ALMOST had a chance to interview her last year right before Juno exploded. Damn it, the stars must have been out of alignment or something.

Diablo Cody where have you been all my life?

-- Janaki Cedanna

p.s. I will be Twittering from the set of a feature film I'm working on starting May 9th that hopefully will be interesting. We shall see.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

So What's Janaki Up To?

It's seems like it's been years since I did an all personal happenings edition of "Janaki's Updates." But in reality it's only been one year. I've been so busy covering Entourage, promoting my favorite TV shows and running the film program I just let this part of my life slip badly.

Not that anyone cares or even reads them beyond Jesse (Thanks!), so I thought what the fuck here's an update. So here goes the incoherent ramblings of what's going on in my life.

First off, I made a decision at Christmas that not only was I going to turn my attention to my career but that I was going to live a healthier lifestyle. I know it sounds like a New Year's resolution but let me just say that the timing was total coincidence! I have no idea how many pounds I lost but I did know that I dropped 6 pant sizes since January. Not bad for a slacker, huh?

For those prying minds that need to know, my day job, or as I like to call it, an "all encompassing black hole" is running the production end of the film program at ASU. It's getting tougher every single semester as the film majors (FMP) are increasing but the funds I get stay the same. My job requirements increase by the day and even though I take on two interns per semester I still have way too much to do. I know it sounds like I'm bitching but the truth is this job has opened many doors for me that I would have had to break down all by myself. Coupled with the fact that I had complete say in the equipment and the direction of a brand new program at the largest university in the country, I get to use the equipment free of charge!! It's totally awesome let me tell you. I also officially teach post-production and production classes and get paid extra for it! Faculty Associate sounds pretty good to me.

I also worked a job for a company out of Chicago that does all the corporate stuff for Intel. It was cool cause I good paid real good and got to work with pros out of LA. I also worked as the D.I.T operator (Digital Intermediate Technician) on a FOX Sports Celebrity Golf Tournament.

I put on a Red camera demo in March at my studio and even though not many of our own FMP majors showed up (those bastards), we had people from other film schools show and even had a visiting student from USC come by. It was a great success and that camera absolutely kicks ass.

In April I spent lots of time at the Phoenix Film Festival which was very, very cool. It's so big now and I got to see some great indie films as well as practice my shmoozing techniques with local filmmakers. Funny thing is that I used to better at shmoozing years ago and I have no idea what the hell happened. Somewhere along the line I lost my people skills ability.

Our department put on the 3rd annual ASU film festival and I got to be sit on the jury to pick the winning film with a cash prize of a $1000 bucks. It was such a great festival with standing room only and the quality of the films were head and shoulders of the previous years. I also saw that out of the 20 flicks that were shown at least 15 of them (no exaggeration) I got thanked in the credits. It was a very proud and humbling night for me as I finally got some recognition from the students. Overall, the films were the best the school has put out to date and technically they were pretty good. I was proud of them let me tell you.

The university also sent me to Las Vegas for the NAB show in April and I spent a week there in absolute tech geek heaven. I spent about 5 hours in the Red booth checking out all their new toys, got to see the Cirque Du Soleil Beatles Love show, saw a topless vampire dance revue set to classic rock (pretty amazing), went to the FCP Supermeet, ate like a pig on overpriced food (so much for the lifestyle change) and saw so much new and cool technology my head is still spinning. I had an awesome time up in Vegas, stayed at the Stratosphere and even won $100 bucks. I came back and did a D.P. gig that weekend which I got paid well for. In one calendar week I had two separate stretches where I didn't sleep for 36 hours. I'm too old for that type of shit.

By the way, The Beatles Love show, was the most amazing, awesome and spectacular thing I've ever laid eyes on. I mean WOW, it was impressive. Only in Vegas can you watch that type of show, drink a 32 oz Seven and Seven and eat a bag of popcorn at the same time. It was the bomb.

And probably the greatest thing was that I got hired on as the 1st A.C. and Post-production Supervisor on a feature film that starts filming May 10th. We are on location for two weeks and even though it's a low budget horror film, I convinced the producers to shoot it on the Red camera. VICTORY! It's going to be an amazing time and I fully plan to give set updates on my blog and Twitter. And we got the "Candyman" himself to play the baddie, Tony Todd. Way cool. This is a great opportunity for me and if I do well then this will be the next step in my career expansion.

Somewhere in all of this I found time to shoot a human trafficking PSA for the International Rescue Committee, write/direct/edit an ambitious film trailer for the university, figure out the Red workflow in FCP and clean my apartment for the first time in years! I also bought a satellite radio for my car and got "Yellow Submarine" boxers! Whew, I'm tired just rehashing the condensed version! Oh, you can also click on the "Call Me" box and call me directly free of charge from ANY phone ANYWHERE in the world. How super sweet is that?

My latest obsessions are "Lost", "Battlestar Galactica" "South Park", Twitter, Facebook, The Red Camera, bananas, text messaging and my DVR box.

I think I might expound on some of these items in later blogs, because I can.

-- Janaki Cedanna

p.s. Take the BSG test on the right because this is one of the best shows EVER made and because I would secretly love to be a cylon . . .

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Battlestar Galactica is Back!

Holy Frak, this is what I've been waiting for. This show kicks major ass. I hesitste to call this a Sci-Fi show as it this is one of the best dramas ever made that happens to take place in space.

Do yourself a favor and watch it from the beginning, you won't be sorry!

-- Janaki Cedanna

Saturday, March 8, 2008

"Entourage" To Return This Fall

Vince, Ari, Drama, Eric and Turtle are set to return for a 5th season of HBO's flagship show "Entourage."

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Scarlett Johansson for Sale?

Yes, you heard right . . . Scarlett Johansson is for sale.

Well sort of. It's definitely not a clearance sale.

The fine folks on eBay, you know the same people who listed a man's soul some time back have hooked up with THE Scarlett to bring you "A meet and greet" with my most favorite sexy Hollywood bombshell. The auction includes two tickets to her upcoming flick (chauffeured of course) "He's Just Not That Into You" plus hair and makeup (for one) and the exclusive "meet and greet" after the premiere.

Now let's assume that mostly guys will bid on this, so do these people REALLY believe that the winning guy will bring a female date? Or do they think that all guys will actually WANT to get their hair done? Let's not even mention the makeup part. Don't they realize that guys ONLY want be in the same room with her and don't give a shit about the rest? If they really wanted they could've thrown in a shave and a haircut or maybe some fancy cologne or athletes foot spray. Of course I would just be happy with wrinkle free clothes. Just a thought.

So let me just set the record straight, NO MAN on the planet will want to bid thousands of dollars to get the chance to meet the one and only Scarlett and THEN bring a girl with him to ruin his crowning moment.

Future Flash: (Guy) Umm, Hi Scarlett my name is Billy, (drool) umm, nice to meet you. (Drool) (Girl Later On) Why did you have to shake her hand so long? Were you staring at her boobs? They're fake you know. She's totally classless. What a slut. (Guy) I wasn't staring, she's not my type. (Guy to himself) Oh shit. Why the hell did I bring her? Damn It!

Good news is, the luscious Scarlett is doing this all for charity. Bad news? The current bid is over $30,000 and I don't have that kind cash just lying around screaming "spend me!"

But if you have the cash to pony up for this soon to be spiraling out of control auction (my prediction is over 100K) you can Click Here. If not? Just go back to drooling. By the way, she looks AND sounds damn hot in the auction video . . .

-- Janaki Cedanna

Q&A With Glen Hansard, Marketa Irglova and John Carney Stars of 'Once' Part 4

This is part 4 (and last part) of the Q&A session with Glen, Marketa and director John Carney right after the Phoenix, AZ premiere of 'Once' on 5-17-07. They were having lots of fun! Enjoy!!!!

-- Janaki Cedanna

Q&A With Glen Hansard, Marketa Irglova and John Carney Stars of 'Once' Part 3

This is part 3 of the Q&A session with Glen, Marketa and director John Carney right after the Phoenix, AZ premiere of 'Once' on 5-17-07. They were having lots of fun! Enjoy!!!!

-- Janaki Cedanna

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Q&A With Glen Hansard, Marketa Irglova and John Carney Stars of 'Once' Part 2

This is part 2 of the Q&A session with Glen, Marketa and director John Carney right after the Phoenix, AZ premiere of 'Once' on 5-17-07. They were having lots of fun! Enjoy!!!!
-- Janaki Cedanna

Q&A With Glen Hansard, Marketa Irglova and John Carney Stars of 'Once' Part 1

This is part 1 of the Q&A session with Glen, Marketa and director John Carney right after the Phoenix, AZ premiere of 'Once' on 5-17-07. They were having lots of fun! Enjoy!!!!
-- Janaki Cedanna

Monday, February 18, 2008

Human Trafficking Commercial - Extended

This is the 60 second extended version of the commercial I did for the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to educate people on the severe problem of Human Trafficking and that it can happen to ANYBODY. For more info contact the IRC at 888-60-ALERT or login or

-- Janaki Cedanna

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Human Trafficking Commercial

This is a 30 second commercial I did for the International Rescue Committee to educate people on the severe problem of Human Trafficking and that it can happen to ANYBODY. For more info contact the IRC at 888-60-ALERT or login or

-- Janaki Cedanna

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jeremy Piven Wins Golden Globe

In a "very special" Golden Globes Awards ceremony, Ari Gold gets the best of Johnny Drama, again.

-- Janaki Cedanna

read more | digg story

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mary Tyler Moore Show: Support Your Local Mother

This is the first time I've seen this show since I was a kid (way too many years ago) and seeing this classic comedy for the first time with more cynical and hopefully mature eyes has taught me the following:
1. Mary Tyler Moore was smokin hot.
2. This groundbreaking comedy had an amazing cast and pitch perfect timing.
3. It's easy to see why MTM was so popular, she was at the same time sexy, cute, glamourous, insecure and pretty damn funny.
4. There is NO WAY that a girl like this could remain single, no freakin way.

This episode shows that she was a natural and very funny and it also guest stars the amazing Nancy Walker as Rhoda's mom. Check it out!!

-- Janaki Cedanna

In Living Color: Star Trek Parody

Remember this show? Jim Carrey stars as a geriatric James T. Kirk before he was crazy famous. It's pretty damn funny!

-- Janaki Cedanna

Battlestar Galactica: Season 3 Finale!

Wow, what a great show. Apparently, season 3 will be released on March 25th which is a very long time to make us wait. Check out part of the season 3 finale right here!

-- Janaki Cedanna