Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Entourage: Security Briefs - Review

This weeks episode of Entourage had some surprising moments, some very good and some very bad. Just like in previous episodes this season, I was concerned when E's love life is a focus. Will he finally kick Ashley to the curb or will he shrug his shoulders and say "whatever" again? It's always a crapshoot.

"Security Briefs" was one of those episodes that will either piss off the die hard fans or make them laugh hysterically over the antics of Johnny Drama. I'm somewhere in between. On one hand seeing Drama walk around in "out to make Drama's life a living hell courtesy of Dan Cokley" acid make up was extremely clever and down right funny the scenes with Ari and Lloyd were the polar opposite. It was pretty hard to watch, not to mention painfully unfunny and uncomfortable. Why is Ari Gold so angry? Vince is doing great, Andrew has righted himself by signing Aaron Sorkin and he just stole Zac Efron away from his nemesis Adam Davies. What gives? At best this is a throwaway episode that had some very funny moments but no real cohesion.

-- Janaki Cedanna

Entourage: Security Briefs - Review

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