Thursday, July 30, 2009

"AT&T iPhone Hell" Kicks Ass!

Gotta love this amazing fake commercial made by this very talented guy named Pat Lee that absolutely slams AT&T and their horrible reception. He beat me to it!

I just came back from a trip to South Africa where the service was better than in certain sections of my own apartment! What the fuck? Do you want to know why it worked better and was extremely clear? It was a different fucking network. Sure, I got molested 50 cents per text message but damn at least the service was clear.

My iPhone 3G has been acting very weird since I returned from SA. I'm experiencing text and VM rushes. That means when I connect and I get all kinds of old texts and VM's all at once. Yep, that happened. But here's the icing on the cake. Yesterday, I found out that I hadn't received a voicemail in two weeks. Two FUCKING weeks. I called my VM from a different phone cause apparently you can't do it from the iPhone (which is totally lame) and I had messages on there that never showed up on the iPhone at all. Nice. I also called my iPhone and surprise, surprise! It never rang. It went straight to VM. No missed call or anything. Damn you all to hell!!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot that when I got my latest bill AT&T had charged me a ton of money for data charges even after I got the international plan. They were cool about it though and reversed the charges immediately. So there is that. I'm not so sure that it makes up for the horribly crappy reception though.

The biggest problem I have right now is that even though I want the new iPhone 3GS really, really bad I cannot and won't sign a new 2 year contract. I just can't. Looking back on my cell phone history, I don't think I have ever thought like that before when it comes to contracts. Rumor has it that Apple will not renew the exclusivity deal with AT&T when it expires next year and if that happens I don't want to be stuck with them, I'll go to Verizon, Sprint or hell, even T-Mobile. AT&T makes a boatload of money by having an exclusive deal with Apple. Too bad they can't make that money by having good service.

When Apple finally ends this deal with AT&T and the iPhone is available on other carriers you will see such a mass exodus it will make your head explode. Just like the scene from "The Ten Commandments" when Charlton Heston led his people across the Red Sea. Unfortunately, AT&T is just as stubborn as Yul Brynner. Watch out or you'll be crushed under the sea!

-- Janaki Cedanna

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