Mad Men: "Shut the Door. Have a Seat" Review
"I'm not going to let you break up this family" - Don Draper The 3rd season finale of the gloriously decadent Mad Men has come and gone and let me tell you it's been one hell of a ride. I thought there was no way that after last weeks mind-numbingly and thought provoking episode show runner Matthew Weiner would be able to pull out another gem from his bag of tricks but I was completely and utterly wrong. Great writing, sublime acting and incredibly funny lines punctuated this phenomenal season ending episode. My oh my, what an amazing ending to what has got to be the best television drama in American history. Many questions have been raised this year and on any other show the answers might have been neatly tied up, but not this show. As often stated, this years theme was about change and Weiner & Co delivered. Big time. "Shut the Door. Have a Seat" was all about two things; Betty and Don's marriage and the fate of Sterling Cooper. Everything else was just along for the ride just like the audience. Old friends are thrown together to try and find a way to get along while Don can't seem to keep his marriage from crumbling. It was about betrayal, change, conspiracy, rebirth and redemption. But makes no bones about it but this was a FUN episode. The times are a changin', so let's dive right in! -- Janaki Cedanna