Pan's Labyrinth "A+"
Hi! Are You A Fairy?

“Pan’s Labyrinth” is director Guillermo del Toro’s acid trip take on a fairytale. And as everyone out there knows fairytales often have very disturbing elements in them. This one is no different.
I won’t go into the plot as I think everyone who wants to see this film has already seen it. But I will say that this film is a work of art on every level. Hell, I’m just glad this is an original work and not one based on a book, a play or a remake. For once in recent memory no one can bitch, “waaaah, the book was sooo much better”. The genius of this film lies squarely on del Toros’ shoulders. Who knew the director of “Blade 2” and “Hellboy” could make such an important contribution to film history? I sure didn’t.
Much has been said of the violence in this film, so let me say that yes, this film is very violent. Yeah, yeah I know it’s Rated R but nothing and I mean nothing in the trailer or the advance talk prepared me for the sudden and devastating violence I saw. Not that I mind . . . I like the fact that even though I had many expectations I was still very pleasantly surprised. I was so engaged in this story I didn’t even mind the Spanish subtitles!
However, I think the film could have been marketed better. Case in point, as I was standing outside the theater waiting for a friend, when two couples came up and looked at the films playing and one of the men was asked (a Mexican I might add) if they wanted to see Pan’s Labyrinth and he responded by saying; “Oh that’s a Mexican film and I haven’t heard anything good about it”. I thought to myself, wow, now that says it all as this is considered to be modern masterpiece by all the critics and the majority of filmgoers.
Do not be put off on the Spanish subtitles or the violence. See this because you owe yourself a trip to the fairytale world of your youth. See this must see film at any cost.
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