Golden Globes - 2007 TV Noms
Network TV Sucks, Most Of It.

Here is a list of my favorite shows in no particular order.
1. 24
2. Entourage
3. Weeds
4. Dexter
5. Extras
6. Rome
7. The Office
8. Real Time w/Bill Maher
9. 30 Rock
10. Penn & Teller: Bullshit!
11. House, M.D.
So there you go, I watch just 11 shows on TV (I wait for the DVD's to come out for the network shows), did I make my point?
Anyway, on to the Golden Globe noms.
Best TV Drama
“24” - The best network produced show ever made. Very cinematic.
See my review here.
I tried to watch “Big Love” but I just couldn’t get into it. The rest of the shows nominated are overrated in my opinion.
Best TV Comedy/Musical
This is a tough one since I watch 3 of these shows regularly. Weeds, Entourage and The Office are all excellent shows, although “The Office” is still riding on Ricky Gervais’s coat tales ya know? I think Weeds should be the winner here because it’s wholly original and is not afraid to take chances. But “Entourage” is my sentimental favorite solely for Jeremy Piven’s role.
Son-of-a-mother-fucking-bitch do I HATE the “Desperate Housewives”, what an overrated piece of crap. Ugly Betty? No thanks.
Now I’ll touch on the categories that are only relevant to me. By relevant I mean 1. I know who the people are. 2. I watch the show. 3. I actually give a shit.
Best Actor - Drama
Michael C. Hall - Dexter - His performance as a cold-blooded yet trying to be normal serial killer is surprisingly funny and endearing.
Kiefer Sutherland - 24 - He gets nominated every year but has only won the first year. He is great in this show but they might give it to someone else just to be different.
Best Actress - Comedy/Musical
Mary-Louise Parker - Weeds - She swooped in and won last year when 4 of the despicable housewives dominated the noms. This year 2 of the dirty housewives are nominated and if there is a God then they won’t win a damn thing.

Alec Baldwin - 30 Rock - When a film star descends onto TV then things generally go in their favor. How’s that for fortune cookie logic? Anyway, Alec has all the best lines and is truly funny.
Best Supporting Actress
It will be a toss up between these two as they are both amazing, brilliant actresses.
Toni Collette - Tsunami, The Aftermath - She is an amazing actress that brings so much depth to everything she does. In fact, I would give her an award to sit and watch paint dry.

Best Supporting Actor
One name above the rest. Jeremy Piven. No one delivers better one-liners than him. He is so perfect for this role that I can’t imagine him doing anything else, ever, for the rest of his life.

Up Next: Best Director, etc.
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