Monday, September 21, 2009

Entourage: "Berried Alive" Review

Tonight's episode of Entourage was a pleasant surprise. By now I should have known better than to doubt Doug Ellin's capabilities when he really puts his mind to it.

"Berried Alive" is an episode all Entourage fans should rally around as it actually featured the "guys against the world" theme that made us all fans in the first place. This time it featured girlfriends and Ari Gold as the outsiders looking in. I gotta say it worked. Not even an E love triangle could derail it. It even featured a great cameo by William Fichtner as the producer that fired Drama off the old "Melrose Place" way back in the day. It also featured the first night walk-and-talk I can remember. Well done. All this on the same night the show was shut out of winning any Emmy's at all!

-- Janaki Cedanna

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Thanks for the kind words!