Monday, August 24, 2009

Entourage: No More Drama - Review

Let me start out by saying that this episode of Entourage is the best one all season. It had it everything, funny scenes, great dialogue and above all good acting from everyone. Including Arnold the dog.

I was worried that creator Doug Ellin would let me down by making the whole Drama apology painful but it was very well written and I laughed more times during this episode than I have all season. This episode called"No More Drama" featured some notable performances from a foul mouthed Bob Saget and a smarmy Scott Caan. From the opening scene the show hit the ground running and never let up once. There was a deaf Arnold, a Vince stalker, a tough Johnny Drama and E learning how to walk.

-- Janaki Cedanna

Click Here for full Review at TV Fodder -
Entourage: No More Drama - Review

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