Sunday, April 29, 2007

Entourage: Gotcha!

Everything goes wrong in the Drama universe while E tries to cope with Vince and Amanda's relationship.

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Kevin's Very Own "Entourage" In Eden

Kevin Connolly makes a splash at NY's Tribeca Film Festival with his directorial debut, "Gardener of Eden."

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Entourage: Manic Monday

There is sexual tension between Vince and Amanda while Ari is still struggling with his human side (but not for long.)

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

John Lennon Tour Bus

John Lennon Educational Tour Bus at NAB in Las Vegas.
This is very cool as they drive across the country educating people on music and filmmaking.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Entourage: Dog Day Afternoon

Ari uncovers his human side while Drama and Turtle hunt for girls at the dog park.

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Sunday, April 8, 2007

Entourage: Episode Review of "Less Than 30"

The guys are adjusting to life without Ari and Vince's new manager Amanda wants him to do a period film. Drama is excited about his new TV show and billboards all over town but is obsessing that he still is not getting recognized. Turtle is ferverishly trying to plan Vince's birthday bash but is going way over budget. And Ari is trying to cope with life AV (after Vince) and with Lloyd's help sets up a lunch with Vince and E. Strap yourself in as the lives of the beautiful and famous in Hollywood begin, right now!

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Thursday, April 5, 2007

Entourage Cast On The Ellen Show

What Would Drama Say??
The media blitz is on! On Friday, April 6th, the cast of "Entourage" (sans Jeremey Piven) makes their first appearance on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show". Adrian Grenier, Kevin Connolly, Kevin Dillon and Jerry Ferrara are all making their first appearances on Ellen "to talk about the shows runaway success" . . .

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Sunday, April 1, 2007

Official Reviewer For HBO's Entourage!!

How Cool Is This??
I just wanted to send out an announcement that yours truly, Janaki Cedanna was hired by a major website to be the "official" reviewer/writer for the HBO show "Entourage".

I run my own section of the website TVFodder which is a sister site of FilmFodder and I will get to interface with HBO and hopefully some of the creative force behind "Entourage".

This is a really cool opportunity and I love the fact that I get to give my opinions to a broader audience while covering one of my absolute favorite shows. You can send me an email at or click here to go directly to my site. "Entourage" is poised to become the next big show and explode into the national consciousness. If you haven't seen it yet check out my YouTube channel for clips I've posted or rent it and watch it! By the way, check out my Symmetry Pictures website and see how "Entourage" has taken over!!!! Here is a promo teaser for the 3rd season premiere on Sunday, April 8th.

Check it out!