Oscar 2007 Wrap Up

Anyway, in grand Oscar tradition best supporting actor was the upset category. Eddie Murphy had been the hands down favorite but in came Alan Arkin to swoop in an register Oscar gold. I thought Murphy deserved it much more as his performance was much more of a departure than Arkin’s, in fact I fully expected Arkin’s speech to have tons of cursing in it!
I wanted Peter O’Toole to win and the fact that Forest Whitaker (and his rambling) won is unfortunate and even though many say his performance is amazing, I don’t care! O’Toole will be dead soon and if the Academy is all about rewarding past oversights then damn it, he should win for “Lawrence of Arabia”.

Also expected was Jennifer Hudson’s win for best supporting actress. I’m happy she won as her performance was devastatingly heart wrenching.

Other winners I picked were “Marie Antoinette” for best costume design (it looked like candy), “The Inconvenient Truth” for best documentary and “Babel” for best original score. War films always win best sound editing and musicals always win best sound mixing and this year was no different with “Letters From Iwo Jima” and “Dreamgirls” respectively winning Oscars.
As for the show itself?

I don’t care what anyone else says, I liked those dancers behind the lighted screen and I liked the sound effects choir. I am in the minority because I also think the telecast is not too long. Why streamline it? I mean c’mon this is once a year people, if you don’t like it than don’t fucking watch it, but I love everything about filmmaking and I wouldn’t mind if it was 6 hours long!
Who looked the best?

Wonder who will win next year???