Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Diablo Cody Loves Me!

Well not really . . . Let me go on the record as saying that "The Diablo" kicks major ass and I'm in total love with her. Not only does she write the coolest shit but she is the smartest person I've NEVER met.

Some time ago I joined a very cool online service called Twitter that allows you to post realtime snippets of useless info online. You can text from your phone or post online a maximum of 140 characters. What this really does is to force you to condense down your thoughts to just the basest of rants. Do you have the need to let everyone know what you're up to at an exact moment in time? Twitter it. You feel like you have to let loose a huge toilet monster? Twitter it.

So what does this have to do with Ms. Cody? Well, Diablo also happens to be on Twitter and she texts stuff all the time and all throughout the day. It's a fascinating insight into the mind and soul of a darkly funny and easygoing woman of talent. It's like having the way too cool friend I never had and always aspired to be. That and the fact that no matter how crappy and mundane my day is I will suddenly get a text message from her that says the most randomly beautiful things.

Some recent Diabloisms include: "How much time must pass since one's last fuck before it's appropriate to say "I really need to get laid?", "Had a few Tecates and smoked a Capri. I am all about the Blanche Devereaux cigarettes these days.", "Overslept. No shower. Had to make do with crackhead pigtails and a gentlemen's wash.", "This American Apparel Deep V-Neck makes me look like a douchebag. A male douchebag.", "I am going to regret the pizza I just ate in the morning, when my entire body feels like a fat sack of pepperoni-scented acid magma."

I know she doesn't read all the people that are following her on Twitter (how can she?), but somehow I felt compelled to answer the questions she posed and commented on her Diabloisms. But imagine how I felt when I got the following text: "Thank you for sticking up for me. It never goes unnoticed. I am always reading, always watching." WOW, I thought that was coolest thing and it came at the absolute perfect time. Was she speaking directly to me or to her legion of fans? It doesn't really matter as I like to think she was thanking me personally. I can dream can't I?

Now, I thought I loved her before but now I'm sure I do. I just want to hang out with her and see that razor sharp wit coming out from those bright red lips. Really I do. And to think I ALMOST had a chance to interview her last year right before Juno exploded. Damn it, the stars must have been out of alignment or something.

Diablo Cody where have you been all my life?

-- Janaki Cedanna

p.s. I will be Twittering from the set of a feature film I'm working on starting May 9th that hopefully will be interesting. We shall see.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

So What's Janaki Up To?

It's seems like it's been years since I did an all personal happenings edition of "Janaki's Updates." But in reality it's only been one year. I've been so busy covering Entourage, promoting my favorite TV shows and running the film program I just let this part of my life slip badly.

Not that anyone cares or even reads them beyond Jesse (Thanks!), so I thought what the fuck here's an update. So here goes the incoherent ramblings of what's going on in my life.

First off, I made a decision at Christmas that not only was I going to turn my attention to my career but that I was going to live a healthier lifestyle. I know it sounds like a New Year's resolution but let me just say that the timing was total coincidence! I have no idea how many pounds I lost but I did know that I dropped 6 pant sizes since January. Not bad for a slacker, huh?

For those prying minds that need to know, my day job, or as I like to call it, an "all encompassing black hole" is running the production end of the film program at ASU. It's getting tougher every single semester as the film majors (FMP) are increasing but the funds I get stay the same. My job requirements increase by the day and even though I take on two interns per semester I still have way too much to do. I know it sounds like I'm bitching but the truth is this job has opened many doors for me that I would have had to break down all by myself. Coupled with the fact that I had complete say in the equipment and the direction of a brand new program at the largest university in the country, I get to use the equipment free of charge!! It's totally awesome let me tell you. I also officially teach post-production and production classes and get paid extra for it! Faculty Associate sounds pretty good to me.

I also worked a job for a company out of Chicago that does all the corporate stuff for Intel. It was cool cause I good paid real good and got to work with pros out of LA. I also worked as the D.I.T operator (Digital Intermediate Technician) on a FOX Sports Celebrity Golf Tournament.

I put on a Red camera demo in March at my studio and even though not many of our own FMP majors showed up (those bastards), we had people from other film schools show and even had a visiting student from USC come by. It was a great success and that camera absolutely kicks ass.

In April I spent lots of time at the Phoenix Film Festival which was very, very cool. It's so big now and I got to see some great indie films as well as practice my shmoozing techniques with local filmmakers. Funny thing is that I used to better at shmoozing years ago and I have no idea what the hell happened. Somewhere along the line I lost my people skills ability.

Our department put on the 3rd annual ASU film festival and I got to be sit on the jury to pick the winning film with a cash prize of a $1000 bucks. It was such a great festival with standing room only and the quality of the films were head and shoulders of the previous years. I also saw that out of the 20 flicks that were shown at least 15 of them (no exaggeration) I got thanked in the credits. It was a very proud and humbling night for me as I finally got some recognition from the students. Overall, the films were the best the school has put out to date and technically they were pretty good. I was proud of them let me tell you.

The university also sent me to Las Vegas for the NAB show in April and I spent a week there in absolute tech geek heaven. I spent about 5 hours in the Red booth checking out all their new toys, got to see the Cirque Du Soleil Beatles Love show, saw a topless vampire dance revue set to classic rock (pretty amazing), went to the FCP Supermeet, ate like a pig on overpriced food (so much for the lifestyle change) and saw so much new and cool technology my head is still spinning. I had an awesome time up in Vegas, stayed at the Stratosphere and even won $100 bucks. I came back and did a D.P. gig that weekend which I got paid well for. In one calendar week I had two separate stretches where I didn't sleep for 36 hours. I'm too old for that type of shit.

By the way, The Beatles Love show, was the most amazing, awesome and spectacular thing I've ever laid eyes on. I mean WOW, it was impressive. Only in Vegas can you watch that type of show, drink a 32 oz Seven and Seven and eat a bag of popcorn at the same time. It was the bomb.

And probably the greatest thing was that I got hired on as the 1st A.C. and Post-production Supervisor on a feature film that starts filming May 10th. We are on location for two weeks and even though it's a low budget horror film, I convinced the producers to shoot it on the Red camera. VICTORY! It's going to be an amazing time and I fully plan to give set updates on my blog and Twitter. And we got the "Candyman" himself to play the baddie, Tony Todd. Way cool. This is a great opportunity for me and if I do well then this will be the next step in my career expansion.

Somewhere in all of this I found time to shoot a human trafficking PSA for the International Rescue Committee, write/direct/edit an ambitious film trailer for the university, figure out the Red workflow in FCP and clean my apartment for the first time in years! I also bought a satellite radio for my car and got "Yellow Submarine" boxers! Whew, I'm tired just rehashing the condensed version! Oh, you can also click on the "Call Me" box and call me directly free of charge from ANY phone ANYWHERE in the world. How super sweet is that?

My latest obsessions are "Lost", "Battlestar Galactica" "South Park", Twitter, Facebook, The Red Camera, bananas, text messaging and my DVR box.

I think I might expound on some of these items in later blogs, because I can.

-- Janaki Cedanna

p.s. Take the BSG test on the right because this is one of the best shows EVER made and because I would secretly love to be a cylon . . .